Roasted Pumpkin and Green Bean Quinoa Salad in Thai Peanut Dressing

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Roasted Pumpkin and Green Bean Quinoa Salad in Thai Peanut Dressing
It's time for another pumpkin recipe and this time we've got a roasted pumpkin and green bean quinoa salad in a tasty Thai peanut dressing. Quinoa makes for both a nice addition to a salad and a great base for salads and if you are using it as a base for a salad all you really need to do is add some veggies, like pumpkin, along with a dressing and you're done! In addition to the pumpkin I added green beans (which I blanched rather than roasted to retain their bright green colour and crispy crunch) and red peppers along with some green onions and cilantro. The pumpkin and Thai peanut sauce combo is a fabulous one, and the inspiration for this salad, so a dressing based on it was a must! Although it's not required, I like to serve this salad on a bed of baby spinach, just to get some more veggie goodness!

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Chicken in a Creamy Parmesan and Sundried Tomato Sauce

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Chicken in a Creamy Parmesan and Sundried Tomato Sauce
Everyone loves a quick, easy and tasty chicken dish and this chicken in a creamy parmesan and sundried tomato sauce fits the bill perfectly coming together in less than 30 minutes. This recipe could not be easier, you simply cook the chicken in the pan and then make the sauce in the same pan! The sauce is pretty simple and yet packed with flavour from the sun-dried tomatoes and parmesan and it is made in a base of chicken broth and cream. This chicken in a creamy parmesan and sundried tomato sauce is great by itself or served over rice, quinoa, etc. or you could even slice the chicken up and toss it and the sauce into a pasta like fettuccine.

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Pumpkin and Chicken Tagine

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Pumpkin and Chicken Tagine
I certainly have been enjoying pumpkin season and while they are here I squeezed in another recipe, this pumpkin and chicken tagine (a Moroccan style stew). One of the signatures of a tagine dish is all of the multitude of flavours that meld together perfectly and these flavours come from the use of many spices and other ingredients; but don't let the long list of ingredients daunt you, it's actually a really easy dish to make and well worth it! I was going for a Fall theme with stew so I added some apples to the pumpkin and they complement the pumpkin nicely without overpowering it. There are usually plenty of spices in a tagine and they vary from dish to dish and for this one I went with more of a pumpkin pie spice blend with cinnamon, ginger and cloves. Tagines also commonly include dried fruit such as raisins, apricots, etc and for this fall themed tagine I went with dried cranberries. The final touch of fall comes from the pomegranate garnish which accompanies the almonds, cilantro and yogurt. This pumpkin and chicken tagine truly does taste like a wonderful melody of fall in your mouth and it is perfect comfort food for these cooling days!

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Thai Pumpkin Soup

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Thai Pumpkin Soup
One of my favourite ways to enjoy pumpkin has to be in this tasty Thai pumpkin soup that literally comes together in less than 15 minutes! I first posted this recipe a few years ago so the photo was a bit dated and with all of the fresh pumpkins around it was the perfect opportunity to update the photos along with the recipe! This recipe really only has the four main ingredients, the red curry paste, broth, coconut milk and pumpkin puree along with some seasonings including fish sauce, sugar and lime juice. These seasonings are there to create a perfect balance of salty, sweet and sour along with the spicy aspect from the curry paste itself! Canned pumpkin puree is really convenient for this soup (and it allows you to make it year round) but you can also use homemade pumpkin puree or even raw pumpkin where you would simply add diced pumpkin to the broth and coconut milk and simmer until tender, about 15-20 minutes. This soup works both as a starter or side and as a meal and you can easily add things like chicken, noodles, tofu, veggies, etc. The next time you are thinking about making soup, don't reach for the canned stuff, this soup only takes a few minutes more and it is so much better!

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Roasted Cauliflower, Mushroom and Goat Cheese Quiche with Quinoa Crust

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Roasted Cauliflower, Mushroom and Goat Cheese Quiche with Quinoa Crust
I have really been enjoying the cauliflower and mushroom combo lately, especially if they are roasted, and I thought that it was about time that I used them in a breakfast dish and a quiche is the perfect way to do it! I wanted to keep things on the lighter and healthier side so I started out with a quinoa crust, which is easy to make, you simply mix an egg and possibly some cheese into the cooked quinoa, press it into a pie plate and pre-bake it before filling it and baking it again. From there I roasted the cauliflower and mushrooms and added the usual quiche suspects, eggs and cream, along with some goat cheese, since a quiche just isn't a quiche without cheese! (Aged white cheddar or blue cheese would also be amazing in this quiche!) The cauliflower and mushroom combo works amazingly well in this quiche and now I can enjoy my favourite combo for breakfast lunch and dinner!

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31 Pumpkin Recipes

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31 Pumpkin Recipes

October is the month for pumpkins! Pumpkins are everywhere and it's the perfect time to take advantage of them because they won't last long. Although pumpkin pie seems to get all of the attention, and with good reason, pumpkin is pretty versatile and it can be used in many different things both sweet and savoury from desserts to breakfasts to appetizers, side dishes and even mains! I am definitely a fan of pumpkin and I always have fun using it in new dishes at this time of year! I thought that it was about time to gather up and share a few of my favourite pumpkin recipes!

A lot of these recipes call for pumpkin puree which is super easy to make at home and perfect during pumpkin season but it is also available canned which is convenient and available year round. Although these recipes are great with actual pie pumpkins you can also make them with other sweet pumpkins and winter squash like butternut squash, which is also easy to roast and puree.

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Pesto Zucchini and Corn Quinoa Salad

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Pesto Zucchini and Corn Quinoa Salad
Although fall is officially here and the days are cooling, there is still plenty of zucchini around and I wanted to give summer one last hurrah with this zucchini and corn quinoa salad with a basil pesto dressing. This salad is as easy as it sounds with the quinoa, sautéed zucchini and corn, the basil pesto dressing and I like to add some chickpeas to fill it out a bit along with some green onions and toasted pine nuts as garnish. Really all you need to do is cook the quinoa, zucchini and corn and mix everything and you are done! This pesto zucchini and corn quinoa salad makes for a great side or even a light meal and it's sure to brighten your day!

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Parmesan Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Double Smoked Bacon

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Parmesan Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Double Smoked Bacon
It's time for another side dish and this time it's one using one of my favourite fall green vegetables, brussels sprouts, in a parmesan roasted brussels sprouts dish. Ever since I discovered just how magical roasted brussels sprouts are I try to roast them every chance I get! Roasting the brussels sprouts brings out their flavour, mellows the slight bitterness and caramelizes the edges and those caramelized bits are the best part! This roasted brussels sprouts dish could not be easier to make, you simply slice or quarter the brussels sprouts (I prefer to slice so that there is more surface area to caramelize but quartering is quicker.), toss them in some oil along with chopped garlic, roast them, sprinkle on the parmesan and return them to the oven until the parmesan is all melted and good. Given my bacon addiction and how well bacon and brussels sprouts go together I almost always add bacon and a touch of lemon zest brightens things up a bit! In addition to being super easy to make, you can do most of the prep work a few days ahead of time and even roast the brussels sprout a few hours early and return them to the oven briefly to warm when ready to serve so this side dish is perfect for large meals like Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner!

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Eggplant Parmesan Boats

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Eggplant Parmesan Boats
With all of the stuffing that has been going on with the stuffed zucchini and stuffed spaghetti squash it was time that eggplant got stuffed and what better way to start than with stuffed eggplant parmesan! It seemed only natural to stuff eggplant with the flavours of a dish that eggplant is normally used in and this eggplant parmesan boat recipe, adapted from Skinny Taste, is super easy to make and packed with flavour. You pretty much just need to hollow out the eggplant, roast it, cook the sausage along with the eggplant that was scooped out before adding the marinara sauce, stuffing the eggplant, topping it with cheese and baking it until the cheese melts. Stuffing vegetables is always fun and this stuffed eggplant parmesan is a new favourite! I can't wait to see what else I can stuff eggplant with!

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Spinach and Feta Mashed Cauliflower

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Spinach and Feta Mashed Cauliflower
I know I seem to say this a lot but I can't believe that it is fall already and what's more is that this weekend is the Canadian Thanksgiving already! With that in mind I just had to share some Thanksgiving recipe ideas and since creative side dishes are what I enjoy most about a Thanksgiving feast I started with this spinach and feta mashed cauliflower. Mashed cauliflower is a healthy and light alternative to mashed potatoes and when you jazz them up with things like spinach and feta they become an absolute delight that could easily outshine the main on your dinner plate. The flavours in this mashed cauliflower are based on spanakopita a Greek spinach and feta phyllo pie with fresh herbs like dill and green onions. Normally mashed potatoes are made nice and creamy with the addition of heavy/whipping cream and/or sour cream, cream cheese and loads of butter but I went with creamy Greek style yogurt and a touch of butter to keep things lighter. Whether you are serving this spinach and feta mashed cauliflower at a Thanksgiving dinner or just any old weeknight dinner, they are super quick and easy and just packed with flavour!

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Creamy Parmesan Tomato and Spinach Tortellini Soup

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Creamy Parmesan Tomato and Spinach Tortellini Soup
With the cooling fall weather I have been thinking about soups a lot more and I started this years soup season off with this comforting creamy parmesan tomato and spinach cheese tortellini soup. This tasty soup is super easy to make and it only takes about 30 minutes so it is perfect for busy weeknight meals! You basically just need to cook the onions and garlic, add the broth, tomatoes and tortellini and simmer until the tortellini is cooked before adding the spinach and parmesan cheese. (I like to add some fresh basil at the end but this is completely optional.) With the cheese tortellini this soup is hearty enough to eat as a meal and it is perfect for those chilly nights when you just want something quick, easy, tasty and comforting!

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50 Fabulous Fall Recipes

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50 Fabulous Fall Recipes

Fall is officially here and that means that it is the perfect time to pull out some of my favourite fall recipes! During fall there is still plenty of amazing fresh produce around from apples to pears, pumpkins and other winter squash, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, etc. and there are just so many great ways to enjoy them! The cooling weather also opens up new opportunities like using the oven for things like roasts and casseroles which may have been taboo during hot summer days. Of course as the weather gets even cooler soups and stews make a more prominent appearance on the table along with other comfort foods like pasta! Here are 50 of my favourite fall recipes for your inspiration and enjoyment over the coming days!

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Slow Roasted Tomato Bacon Jam

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Slow Roasted Tomato Bacon Jam
With all of the filed ripened tomatoes around right now it is the perfect time for making sauces but I was thinking about something a little different, a tomato jam and with bacon day coming I was thinking that a tomato jam / bacon jam hybrid would be perfect! As nice as the field ripened tomatoes are they can be made even better by roasting them to caramelize them and bring out their flavour so I threw them into the oven and slow roasted them until they were starting to shrivel up and caramelize but still juicy on the inside. (Roasting the tomatoes also allows you to use those dull and drab winter hot house tomatoes to good effect!) Up next of course was the bacon followed by some of the usual jam suspects including brown sugar and maple syrup as sweeteners, a bit of vinegar for some tang and I threw in some chipotle chilies in adobo for a touch of heat. Once everything has simmered for a while on the stove all that is left is to puree to the jam desired consistency. Of course this slow roasted tomato bacon jam is absolutely fabulous on toast topped with a fried egg for breakfast and if you are looking for other ways to use it, take a look below the recipe for some more ideas.

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Bacon Day Recipes

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Bacon Day Recipes

I can't believe that it's here already, one of my favourite days of the year, Bacon Day! This Saturday bacon day where we celebrate one of my favourite foods, bacon! On this most hallowed of days bacon addicts people gather together to enjoy dishes that include bacon and if you were wondering what you are going to serve at your bacon day party, boy do I have some ideas for you! From the more than 150 bacon recipes that I have shared on my site I have selected some of my favourites that are sure to make any bacon day party great! Bacon isn't just for sitting next to your eggs for breakfast, it's a really versatile food and this roundup includes everything from sandwiches to pastas, soups, salads, dips, snacks, sides, pies, pizzas and even sweet things like pancakes and cookies so you can easily eat bacon all day long! No matter what you decide to serve at your bacon day celebrations I hope that it's baconlicious!

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20 Minute Light Sweet and Sour Chicken

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Sweet and Sour Chicken
One of my favourite Chinese takeout dishes has to be sweet and sour chicken or pork with juicy pieces of pineapple and crisp slices of bell pepper and it's super easy to make at home in under 20 minutes! As with a lot of my Chinese takeout recipes I like to omit the breading and deep frying and keep things nice and light with a quick and simple saute. This recipe is as easy to make as quickly cooking the chicken at a high temperature, adding the pineapple and bell pepper followed by the ingredients for the sauce and with a total cooking time of less than 10 minutes, this tasty dish is perfect for busy work nights!

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Zucchini Pizza Bites

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Zucchini Pizza Bites
Last year when I made my eggplant pizzas for the first time I just knew that I would have to try a zucchini version! I already knew that zucchini works amazingly well as a pizza crust since I make zucchini crust pizzas throughout zucchini season so simplifying things a bit and just using slices of zucchini for the pizza 'crust' sounded perfect! Most zucchini that you get in the grocery store these days are relatively small so these pizzas are bite sized but if you head out to your famers market you should be able to get some pretty large zucchini, say about 3-5 inched across, for even larger zucchini pizzas. These zucchini pizzas are super simple to make, you just need to pre-cook the zucchini a bit, top them with pizza sauce, cheese and your favourite pizza toppings and broil them until the cheese melts. You could easily serve these zucchini pizza bites as snacks or as dinner and they are a great way to get your kids to eat more vegetables!

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25 Zucchini Recipes

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25 Zucchini Recipes

Zucchini, aka courgette, a summer squash, has to be one of my favourite summer vegetables (technically a fruit) and that's good because when you grow it you get a ton of it! Although it's nice and easy to steam or saute some zucchini and serve it as a side dish you can do so much more with it! Zucchini is really versatile and it can be used in a wide variety of dishes from pastas, to salads, soups, sauces, fritters, pies, casseroles and the list goes on! It can even be used in sweet dishes like cakes, muffins, breads, etc. I always love to experiment and try new ways of using zucchini and with zucchini season here I thought that I would share some of my current favourite recipes!

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Roasted Asparagus and Mushroom Poutine

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Roasted Asparagus and Mushroom Poutine
Asparagus and mushrooms are a fabulous combination, one that I never tire of using, and my latest creation is an asparagus and mushroom poutine. Poutine is a Canadian dish where french fries are topped with cheese curds and gravy. I figured that the asparagus would make perfect 'fries' and I could toss the mushrooms in along with the cheese curds and top everything off with a tasty mushroom gravy. I always enjoy roasting vegetables, it helps bring out more flavour, and so I decided to roast both the asparagus and the mushrooms for the poutine. For the gravy I started things out by soaking some dried porcini mushrooms in broth and I used them along with some shallots, garlic, thyme and soy sauce to ensure that the gravy was full of flavour. I have too say that this is one tasty poutine; I mean, you really cannot go wrong taking an amazing combo like asparagus and mushrooms and topping them with cheese and a tasty gravy!

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Strawberry Bruschetta with Bacon, Candied Pecans and Goat Cheese with a Balsamic Drizzle

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Strawberry Bruschetta with Bacon, Candied Pecans, Goat Cheese and Balsamic Drizzle
These strawberry bruschetta with bacon, candied pecans and goat cheese with a balsamic drizzle combine some of my favourite flavours and they are perfect for summer entertaining! Normally I would use these ingredients in a salad but they also work well in bruschetta form as finger food when entertaining. The juicy strawberries pair perfectly with the creamy goat cheese, the salty bacon and the tart balsamic vinegar and I like to top everything off with a touch of fresh basil to brighten things up! The candied pecans add a nice sweet crunch, though you could easily substitute regular pecans.

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Pesto Zucchini Fritters with Caprese Bruschetta Topping

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Pesto Zucchini Fritter Caprese Bruschetta
At this time of year there is plenty of zucchini around and one of my favourite ways to enjoy it is zucchini fritters! Zucchini fritters themselves are super simple being made of the shredded zucchini, eggs and flour and then you can add any flavourings that you want and basil pesto is a great wat to go! The basil pesto makes these zucchini fritters amazingly fresh, bright, summery and simply irresistible! Although these fritters are great all by themselves they are even better when served bruschetta style with a caprese inspired topping with tomatoes, mozzarella and plenty of basil along with a balsamic drizzle!

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Blackened Shrimp and Fried Green Tomato Po Boy Salad

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Blackened Shrimp and Fried Green Tomato Po Boy Salad
The blackened shrimp and fried green tomato po'boy is one of my favourite sandwiches and when I found myself thinking that it would also make a great salad I just had to try it. The po'boy submarine style sandwich can have pretty much much anything in it with common ingredients being fried seafood but this flavour combo is what I usually go with so that's where I started the salad out. The shrimp are simply tossed in some creole seasoning and then cooked at a high temperature in a pan and the fried green tomatoes are just sliced green tomatoes that are dipped in buttermilk followed by flour and/or cornmeal and fried until golden brown. The rest of the salad composed of lettuce and ripe tomatoes and I could not resist throwing some bacon into the mix! The final component of the salad is a tasty remoulade sauce thinned down a bit with buttermilk to make into more of a dressing. The po'boy sandwich salad experiment was a complete success with all of the flavours working well together and working well in salad form; I know I will be making this salad a lot in the future!

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Spinach and Feta Chicken Burgers (aka Spanakopita Burgers) with Grilled Halloumi, Roasted Red Peppers and a Spinach and Feta Sauce

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Spinach and Feta Chicken Burgers (aka Spanakopita Burgers) with Grilled Halloumi, Roasted Red Peppers and a Spinach and Feta Sauce
Spanakopita is a tasty Greek phyllo spinach and feta pie and I was thinking that the flavours would also be amazing in burger form; just perfect for summer grilling! I kept the patties nice and simple and yet packed them with flavour starting out using chicken for the base, though turkey would also be good, and I mixed in plenty of spinach and feta, along with some dill and green onions. Now these spinach and feta patties are super tasty just like this and I could easily eat them alone, or in burgers with lettuce, tomato and red onion as I had planned but I could not resist kicking things up a bit.

First off, I feel that every good burger should have bacon but it did not really fit the theme of these burgers so I went for the next best thing, grilled halloumi, which is almost as good as bacon and also an ingredient commonly seen in Mediterranean cuisine. Up next was a no brainer, roasted red peppers; and with that I thought that I was done but something kept nagging me... where was the cheese sauce? <spookyvoice>This burger needs a cheese sauce...</spookyvoice> Alright so I added a cheese sauce, a spanakoptia themed cheese sauce, starting with a bechamel base adding plenty of melted feta along with spinach and dill. With that final component my spanakoptia themed burgers, aka my spinach and feta chicken burgers with grilled halloumi, roasted red peppers and a spinach and feta sauce, were complete!

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Cilantro Lime Shrimp Tacos with Roasted Corn and Jalapeno Slaw and Roasted Jalapeno Crema

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Cilantro Lime Shrimp Tacos with Roasted Corn Slaw and Roasted Jalapeno Crema
After popping a few of those grilled cilantro lime shrimp into my mouth it was time to use them in something, tacos! For these tacos I wanted to keep things nice and light and summery so I started out with a simple roasted corn slaw that I tossed in a roasted jalapeno crema followed by some cool and creamy avocado, the cilantro lime shrimp and a dollop of even more of the roasted jalapeño crema for some extra creamy heat. Although the cilantro lime shrimp would be good in just about everything, they are particularly nice in these fresh summery tacos!

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Cilantro Lime Grilled Shrimp

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Cilantro Lime Grilled Shrimp
Cilantro and lime has to be one of my favourite flavour combos and my favourite way to enjoy it is on shrimp! I make cilantro lime shrimp year round but the summer is the best since you can do them on the grill. One of the great things about the cilantro and lime flavour combo, other than being tasty, is that it is so light and fresh and perfect for summer or reminding you of summer in the dead of winter. This recipe is really easy, you simply make the marinade, marinate the shrimp, skewer them and grill them. All said, excluding the marinate time, it takes less that 20 minutes from the time you start until you can be popping these bad boys into your mouth like candy! You can enjoy these shrimp by themselves or in other dishes like tacos, nachos, pasta, etc.

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30 Summer Salads

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30 Summer Salads

We're in the middle of summer right now and summer is definitely the salad season! Salads are amazingly versatile in that they can contain so many different things from a basic lettuce, cucumber and tomato salad to chicken salads, to potato salads, etc., they can be served either hot or cold and they can be everything from a side dish to a main course. After a long hot summer day I somethings don't feel like cooking, or eating a hot or heavy meal and a light, cool and crisp salad is the perfect solution! Summer is a great time for salads since there are so many fresh vegetables and fruits that can be used in them and as the ones that are available change, your salads change ensuring that they are always exciting! After thinking about salads so much I figured that it was about time that I gathered a few of my favourites and shared them with you and below you have 30 of them along with a few tasty dressings!

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Strawberry and Avocado Salad with Strawberry Poppy Seed Vinaigrette

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Strawberry and Avocado Salad with Strawberry Poppy Seed Vinaigrette
It's time for another salad recipe and this time it's a strawberry and avocado salad with strawberry poppy seed vinaigrette! Strawberries work so well in salads and I find myself making them on a near weekly basis all summer long! This salad combines so many of my favourite ingredients from the strawberries to the avocados, the BACON, and feta and the dressing is just so tasty and summery fresh! The strawberry poppy seed vinaigrette uses fresh strawberries with white balsamic vinegar, honey, tamari, mustard, garlic and a touch of sriracha for some spicy heat and it is just perfect on this strawberry salad!

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Strawberry Poppy Seed Vinaigrette

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Strawberry Poppy Seed Vinaigrette
One of my favourite things about summer is all of the fresh strawberries; I love using them in salads and they also work well in dressings like this strawberry poppy seed vinaigrette! This dressing is so easy to make that it literally only takes about 5 minutes! You simply puree fresh strawberries with white balsamic vinegar, oil, garlic, honey for sweetness, mustard for tanginess, tamari for saltiness and a kick of umami and sriracha for heat along with the poppy seeds of course! This fresh strawberry poppy seed vinaigrette goes great on salads of all kinds and in particular, this strawberry and avocado salad with bacon and feta!
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Chipotle Tuna 7 Layer Dip

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Chipotle Tuna 7 Layer Dip
Seven layer dip is always fun at parties and I thought that I would try kicking it up a bit with the addition of a pantry staple, tuna, but not just any tuna, some chipotle tuna by Clover Leaf. A seven layer dip is a dip where Mexican style ingredients are layered on top of each other and for this dip I went with layers of seasoned beans, sour cream, guacamole, chipotle tuna, salsa, cheese and olives along with green onions for garnish. If you have all of the ingredients on hand this dip could not be easier to make where you simply need to pull the ingredients out and start layering them. You could easily use all store bought ingredients and make this dip a snap to assemble or you could make all of the ingredients yourself and keep the dip nice and light and healthy. In the recipe below I have given options to keep things simple and to keep things light and healthier with some examples being either using store bought refried beans versus using a can of beans with homemade taco seasoning mixed in or using store bought salsa versus making your own fresh pico de gallo. No matter how you make it, this is one tasty dip that is sure to please and the chipotle tuna is a great addition to a seven layer dip!

Scroll down a bit for the chance to win a Clover Leaf tuna prize!

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Thai Fish Green Curry with Asparagus and Peas

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Thai Fish Green Curry with Asparagus and Peas
I am a huge fan of Thai style curries and I recently made this fish green curry with asparagus and peas which is just perfect for a light summer meal! Thai curries are really easy starting with the curry paste which adds a spicy heat along with a ton of flavour and a can of coconut for the liquid base to which fish sauce for saltiness, sugar for sweetness and lime juice for sourness is added along with whatever meat and vegetables that you want. Curries like these come together in no time at all but what makes them really shine is the beautiful balance of saltiness, sweetness, sourness and spicy heat! Another nice thing about Thai curries is that they are usually packed with fresh herbs like Thai basil, cilantro, lime leave, etc. I went with a summer theme for this curry going with fish for a light meat along with asparagus and peas. (I like to make my own green curry paste for the freshness but you can easily use store bought.)

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Roasted Asparagus and Mushroom Carbonara

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Roasted Asparagus and Mushroom Carbonara
The other day I found myself thinking about making one of my favourite summer dishes, asparagus carbonara, and I thought that if I was making it anyways why not update the photos for the older recipe? I was all set to go when I remembered the roasted cauliflower and mushroom carbonara and I knew that a roasted asparagus and mushroom carbonara would be amazing since asparagus and mushrooms are such a fabulous combination! This carbonara recipe is pretty easy where you just need to cook the bacon while the vegetable roast and the pasta cooks and then you mix everything together with the sauce. As much as I enjoy the cauliflower version I think I like this asparagus one even better and it just screams summer!

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50 Summer Recipes

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50 Summer Recipes

Yesterday was the first day of summer and that got me thinking about all of my favourite summer recipes! Summer has to be the best time of the year as it's just packed full of fresh produce and of course the weather is perfect for outdoor activities like grilling and picnics! My weekly trek down to the farmers market is like an adventure where I get to see what new and wonderful things arrived and I often have a difficult time choosing just what to get! Below you will find a collection of some of my favourite summer recipes including those using some of summers bounty and some for outdoor cooking and eating!

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Taco Salad

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Taco Salad
During the summer I often like to have salads as light meals and one of my favourites is a taco salad, which as the name implies has all of the flavours of tacos! This salad is a great way to finish off any leftover ingredients from taco night though I am usually too impatient to wait and just make it from scratch starting out with a homemade taco seasoning. This recipe is very flexible where you can use whatever your favoutite taco ingredients are and I generally like to pack the salad with plenty of healthy ones like beans, corn, tomatoes and avocado before moving onto things like cheese, Greek yogurt and salsa. Although a number of salad dressing would be perfect on this, I usually go with salsa verde as a dressing. As far as salads go this taco salad certainly makes for one tasty, light and satisfying meal meal!

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Teriyaki Salmon and Pineapple Quesadillas

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Teriyaki Salmon and Pineapple Quesadillas
When I made the teriyaki salmon last week I could not help but think of making these teriyaki salmon and pineapple quesadillas! Teriyaki sauce and pineapple is such a fabulous flavour combination and you really can't go wrong throwing them into quesadillas with plenty of melted cheese! I kept these quesadillas nice and simple only adding some green onions and sriracha to the teriyaki salmon and pineapple and I went with monterey jack for the cheese. I made the teriyaki sauce a little differently by replacing the sake with pineapple juice to get even more pineapple flavour. Although these teriyaki salmon and pineapple quesadillas are super tasty all by themselves I served them topped with a drizzle of sriracha mayo and teriyaki sauce and a quick pineapple salsa!

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Slow Cooker BBQ Ribs with Roasted Strawberry BBQ Sauce

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Slow Cooker BBQ Ribs with Roasted Strawberry BBQ Sauce
BBQ ribs has to be one of my favourite things about summer and I have just been itching to try cooking them in the slow cooker! Getting perfectly cooked, juicy, fall off the bone tender ribs can sometimes be tricky but the slow cooker makes it almost effortless! With the slow cooker you just need to season the ribs, place them in the slow cooker with the ribs vertical, wrapped around the inside, pour on the BBQ sauce and cook on low until nice and tender, about 6-8 hours. Once the ribs are cooked you can slather on more BBQ sauce and throw them onto the grill (or under the broiler) to get that smoky grilled flavour! Speaking of sauce, for these ribs I went with my roasted strawberry BBQ sauce which is perfect for the summer!

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Cilantro Lime Salmon Taquitos

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Cilantro Lime Salmon Taquitos
While I was enjoying some cilantro salmon I could not help but think that it would make a great filling for Mexican style dishes like tacos, quesadillas, etc and my heart was set on using them in some taquitos. Taquitos, aka flautas, aka rolled tacos, are small tortillas that are wrapped around a filling and fried until crispy and they are often topped with things like salsa, sour cream, etc. I kept these taquitos really simple filling them with a mixture of the salmon, cheese and some salsa verde to kick up the flavour a bit. Once the filling was ready all that was left was to roll it up in some tortillas and shallow fry them in a skillet until crispy and golden brown. Rolling the tortillas may take a bit of time but once you get the hang of it it's pretty easy, just make sure to warm the corn tortillas before working with them so that they do not crack and fall apart. I served the cilantro lime salmon taquitos on a bed of lettuce topped with guacamole, pico de gallo, sour cream, crumbled queso fresco and hot sauce.

I enjoyed the salmon taquitos so much that I just had to make them again and this time I tried baking them in an effort to cut down on the oil. The results were that the baked taquitos were a little less crispy, but still really good, and it was a lot easier to bake the in one go than it was to fry them in batches of 3-4.

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Cilantro and Lime Salmon

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Cilantro and Lime Salmon
I have been on a salmon kick lately and up next is this super quick, easy and tasty cilantro and lime salmon! Cilantro and lime has to be one of my favourite flavour combinations, which I use it on pretty much everything, and when I saw a similar recipe for a spicy garlic lime baked salmon on A Spicy Perspective I realized that it was past time that I gave salmon the cilantro and lime treatment! This recipe could not be easier, you simply make the sauce, spread it on the salmon and bake or grill it for 10 minutes and you are in cilantro and lime flavoured salmon heaven! The cilantro and lime sauce is basically the same as my cilantro and lime vinaigrette, which is amazing on pretty much everything, and it comes together in less than 5 minutes making this dish perfect for even the busiest of nights but it's so good that it is sure to impress any dinner guests!

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25 Recipes for the Grill

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25 Recipes for the Grill

Grilling season is here so dust off your barbecue, fire it up and get your grill on! Whether you are cooking for family or friends the warmer weather provides the perfect opportunity to move things outdoors, and who doesn't love to cook under open blue skies with fire! It is easy to cook an entire meal on the grill with everything from mains like juicy steaks, meat on a stick, burgers and sandwiches to sides like grilled vegetables and even onto dessert with grilled fruits. Below you will find a few of my favourite recipes for the grill and I am looking forward to sharing some new ones this summer! Happy grilling!

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Salmon Teriyaki

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Salmon Teriyaki
Lately I have been trying to include more fish in my meal plans and teriyaki salmon is definitely one of my favourite ways to go! Salmon teriyaki is a super quick and easy meal where you simply marinate the salmon in a homemade teriyaki sauce and then broil or grill it! Not including the marinate time, salmon teriyaki takes less than 15 minutes to put together making it perfect for busy weeknight meals and it is also sure to impress dinner guests!

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Cauliflower Rice

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Cauliflower Rice
I have been a little bit obsessed with the idea of cauliflower 'rice' ever since I came across it! I have used cauliflower rice in a number of recipes that I have shared with you and I think that it warranted sharing a basic version that can be used in pretty much and dish that calls for rice. Cauliflower rice is basically cauliflower that has been 'riced' by grating into small rice like pieces and sauteed until it is lightly golden brown on the outside and nice and tender on the inside. Although cauliflower rice does not have the exact same texture as rice it is a light, healthy, low carb and tasty alternative and it's a great way to sneak an extra vegetable into your meal!

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Honey Lemon Chicken and Asparagus Stir Fry

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Honey Lemon Chicken and Asparagus Stir Fry
With spring here I have been looking for lighter meals and you really can't go wrong with a quick, easy and tasty stir-fry! One of my favourite Chinese takeout dishes is honey lemon chicken and this is my lighter and healthier homemade version where I stir-fry the chicken instead of battering it and frying it in tons of oil. The tasty sauce is what makes this dish shine and the lemon is just perfect for spring especially when accompanied by a spring vegetable like asparagus! This stir-fry is great for quick weeknight meals since it comes together in less than twenty minutes, which is less time than it takes to cook the rice! Speaking of rice, I often like to serve the honey lemon chicken and asparagus stir-fry on cauliflower 'rice' to make for a even healthier meal!

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50 Spring Recipes

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50 Spring Recipes

Although spring has officially been here for a while now I don't really see spring as having started until the weather gets warmer and the local asparagus starts to show up, both of which finally happens this last week! This is always a happy time of year for me as it means that for the next few months I will get to head down to the farmers market every week to see what is new and pick up a few things up. With the first spring produce here I thought that it was a great opportunity to gather some of my favourite recipes using some spring ingredients including asparagus, ramps, fiddleheads, peas, fava beans, rhubarb, strawberries, artichokes and morel mushrooms. I hope that you enjoy these spring recipes! I am definitely looking forward to using them in some new recipes over the next few weeks!

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Eggs Benedict with Bacon, Avodaise (Avocado Hollandaise) and Harissa

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Eggs Benedict with Bacon, Avodaise (Avocado Hollandaise) and Harissa
Avocados have to be one of my favourite foods so when I came across the idea of an avocado hollandaise sauce I just had to try it! A hollandaise sauce is a lemony sauce that is made by emulsifying eggs with a ton of butter that is decadently good but a little rich so a lighter and healthier version using avocados sounded amazing! This avocado hollandaise, I am going to call it an avodaise sauce, is a super simple mixture of pureed avocado and lemon juice along with some water to thin it to the consistency of a sauce and simply irresistible.

One of the classic dishes that a hollandaise sauce is used in is eggs benedict, consisting of english muffins, ham and poached eggs in addition to the sauce, and it was the perfect dish to try the avodaise sauce on. Although ham is great in eggs benedict, bacon goes so well with avocados so I could not resist going with that instead and I added a hit of harissa for a spicy kick. I have to say that this avodaise sauce is even better than the original and it is absolutely divine in bacon eggs benedict!

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Quesadillas al Pastor

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Quesadillas al Pastor with Pineapple Salsa and Pineapple Guacamole
When I made the tacos al pastor the other week I made a double batch to ensure leftovers for use in quesadillas! The tacos al pastor taste great when filled with fresh ingredients like pineapple, onions and cilantro so they can only get better in quesadilla form with plenty of ooey gooey melted cheese! These quesadillas al pastor are filled with the al pastor pork, pineapple pieces, pineapple salsa, diced onions, cilantro and of course lots and lots of cheese before they are grilled until the cheese has melted and the tortillas a crispy and golden brown. Even if you do not make the tacos al pastor it's definitely well worth making the al pastor pork for these tasty quesadillas!

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Strawberry Lemon Ricotta Poppy Seed Pancakes

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Strawberry Lemon Ricotta Poppy Seed Pancakes
Last week we finally saw some spring weather with a few days where it was warm enough to cast off our jackets and that got thinking about spring recipes including these strawberry pancakes. These pancakes have it all from the large chunks of strawberries to ricotta to keep them nice and moist, lemon to keep them nice and bright and fresh and even some poppy seeds to boot! Honey is used as the sweetener rather than sugar and it pairs fabulously well with the lemon and strawberries! I could easily eat a stack of these pancakes plain but I like to top them with a fresh homemade simple strawberry syrup, which is a must make all by itself! Of course some fresh sliced juicy strawberries sprinkled on top finish these strawberry lemon ricotta poppy seed pancakes making them just perfect for a special spring breakfast brunch or dinner!

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Strawberry, Bacon and Goat Cheese Strata with Balsamic Syrup

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Strawberry, Bacon and Goat Cheese Strata with Balsamic Syrup

This weekend is Mother's Day and over the next few days I will be trying out some new recipes for breakfast in bed for mom or a special brunch and up first is this sweet and savoury strawberry strata! (A strata is essentially a bread pudding where bread is soaked in a custard filling of milk and eggs and baked until it sets.) For this strata I was going for aspects of both sweet and savoury by combining strawberries with bacon and goat cheese. I start the recipe off with a loaf of King's Hawaiian Sweet Bread which is perfect as it's sweetness complements the strawberries! This recipe is super easy to make; once you have everything mixed up you simply need to bake it; anyone can make it for mom! The strata is finished off by topping it with fresh sliced strawberries and a balsamic syrup made by reducing balsamic vinegar and sugar until it thickens and it's sweetness and tartness perfectly complements the sweet and savoury strata.

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50 Mother's Day Recipes

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50 Mother's Day Recipes

Next weekend is Mother's Day and a great way to show her how much you care is with some home cooking! Start the day off right for mom with breakfast in bed or a special brunch and then keep things going with some tasty snacks in the afternoon followed by and quick and easy dinner that is sure to please! You don't need to be a master chef to treat mom to some home cooking on Mother's Day; most of these recipes are super easy to make and she will definitely appreciate the effort! Whether you treat mom to a full day of home cooked meals or just one dish you can't go wrong with one of these recipes and any one of them will make this Mother's Day one that mom will never forget!
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Chorizo and Egg Breakfast Nachos

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Chorizo and Egg Breakfast Nachos
On Cinco de Mayo there is no reason to hold off on celebrating until later in the day; start it off with a Mexican inspired breakfast, nachos! Spicy chorizo sausage and scrambled eggs make for a tasty breakfast all by themselves but why not enjoy them nacho style on tortilla chips covered in melted cheese? These breakfast nachos are fully loaded with salsa, beans, tomato, avocado and jalapenos in addition to the sausage and eggs making them a hearty and tasty way to start the day!

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Tacos al Pastor with Pineapple Salsa Roja

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Tacos al Pastor
Up next in my Cinco de Mayo line up is one of my favourites, tacos al pastor! Al pastor is a Mexican pork that is marinated in chilies and pineapple, layered and roasted on a vertical rotisserie similar to shawarma. Because cooking pork in this fashion is not easy for every home cook I like to use this slow cooker version that gives all of the flavours of al pastor using a method that is much easier to do at home. This recipe starts out by making a salsa with dried chilies and pineapple and it is used both to marinate the pork butt and in the final tacos. Once the pork has been marinated in the pineapple salsa it is cooked in the slow cooker until tender before being shredded to be used in the tacos. I like to keep the fillings for tacos al pastor nice and simple with the al pastor pork, onions, cilantro, grilled pineapple and the spicy pineapple salsa. Pork and pineapple is a beautiful combination and and it is simply amazing in these tacos al pastor which are definitely going to be the star at any Cinco de Mayo party!

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Happy 7th Birthday Closet Cooking

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I can't believe that it has been another year already but Closet Cooking now celebrates it's 7th 'birthday'! This last year was a tasty one indeed with Closet Cooking's collection of recipes growing to almost 1900! Closet Cooking first started out as more of a hobby but it has now become my passion and obsession where I get to share some of my tastiest adventures from my closet sized kitchen. I do hope that you have enjoyed my recipes over the last year and I am looking forward to another tasty year!

I leave you now with some of my favourite recipes over the last year:

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