Google Reader

I know that a number of you follow my new recipes on Google reader and by now I am sure that you are aware that the Google Reader service is shutting down! This is quite the blow for me as I have been using Google reader everyday to keep up with all of my favourite sites ever since I first started using it. Luckily there are alternative readers that you can use including feedly or bloglovin which can import all of your Google Reader feeds and you can continue following all of your favourite sites without skipping a beat!

If you do not follow my new recipes through Google Reader or if you do not know what I am talking about, then you have nothing to worry about, you will continue to receive all of my new recipe updates as normal.

If you do follow my new recipes through Google Reader, make sure to move over to another reader app and subscribe to the Closet Cooking feed in your new reader app. You can of course also follow all of my updates in any of the following other ways:

Follow Closet Cooking by Email Follow Closet Cooking by RSS Follow Closet Cooking on Facebook Follow Closet Cooking on Twitter Follow Closet Cooking on Google+Follow Closet Cooking on BlogLovin
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