The Best of Closet Cooking 2012 eBook Now Available on Amazon Kindle, Apple iTunes and Barnes & Noble Nook

Cover: The Best of Closet Cooking 2012

Due to popular demand the The Best of Closet Cooking 2012 eBook is now available on the Amazon Kindle, Apple iTunes and Barnes & Noble Nook for your viewing pleasure. Ever since I published The Best of Closet Cooking 2012, a collection of the 25 tastiest and most popular recipes on Closet Cooking up until 2012, I have received requests to make it available on different readers in addition to requests for a printed version. It took a while to figure out how to get everything done and do it but I finally got the eBook approved on all three readers and I have set up a softcover version on that you can order.

May I present The Best of Closet Cooking 2012 eBook on:
Amazon Kindle
Apple iTunes/iBooks for the iPhone & iPad
Barnes & Noble Nook

Softcover print version: Softcover

Of course you can still get the The Best of Closet Cooking 2012 eBook for FREE if you subscribe to the Closet Cooking email newsletter and this will also ensure that you never miss a new recipe as they will be delivered right into your inbox.

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