Grilled Eggplant and Roasted Red Pepper Sandwich with Halloumi

Grilled Eggplant and Red Pepper Sandwich with Halloumi

Up next for my homemade roasted red peppers was to use them in a sandwich along with some grilled eggplant and halloumi. Halloumi is a Greek Cypriot cheese that fries well, retaining its shape rather than melting and gets 'squeaky' once fried. Simple fried halloumi with a splash of lemon juice is amazing all by itself but it also makes a great addition to a sandwich such as this one! I am still a little conflicted as to whether I should be diving into fall dishes or relishing the final days of summer and summer won out with this sandwich and I finished it off with field ripened beefsteak tomatoes and some fresh homemade basil pesto!

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