Slow Roasted Tomato Bacon Jam

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Slow Roasted Tomato Bacon Jam
With all of the filed ripened tomatoes around right now it is the perfect time for making sauces but I was thinking about something a little different, a tomato jam and with bacon day coming I was thinking that a tomato jam / bacon jam hybrid would be perfect! As nice as the field ripened tomatoes are they can be made even better by roasting them to caramelize them and bring out their flavour so I threw them into the oven and slow roasted them until they were starting to shrivel up and caramelize but still juicy on the inside. (Roasting the tomatoes also allows you to use those dull and drab winter hot house tomatoes to good effect!) Up next of course was the bacon followed by some of the usual jam suspects including brown sugar and maple syrup as sweeteners, a bit of vinegar for some tang and I threw in some chipotle chilies in adobo for a touch of heat. Once everything has simmered for a while on the stove all that is left is to puree to the jam desired consistency. Of course this slow roasted tomato bacon jam is absolutely fabulous on toast topped with a fried egg for breakfast and if you are looking for other ways to use it, take a look below the recipe for some more ideas.

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Bacon Day Recipes

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Bacon Day Recipes

I can't believe that it's here already, one of my favourite days of the year, Bacon Day! This Saturday bacon day where we celebrate one of my favourite foods, bacon! On this most hallowed of days bacon addicts people gather together to enjoy dishes that include bacon and if you were wondering what you are going to serve at your bacon day party, boy do I have some ideas for you! From the more than 150 bacon recipes that I have shared on my site I have selected some of my favourites that are sure to make any bacon day party great! Bacon isn't just for sitting next to your eggs for breakfast, it's a really versatile food and this roundup includes everything from sandwiches to pastas, soups, salads, dips, snacks, sides, pies, pizzas and even sweet things like pancakes and cookies so you can easily eat bacon all day long! No matter what you decide to serve at your bacon day celebrations I hope that it's baconlicious!

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20 Minute Light Sweet and Sour Chicken

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Sweet and Sour Chicken
One of my favourite Chinese takeout dishes has to be sweet and sour chicken or pork with juicy pieces of pineapple and crisp slices of bell pepper and it's super easy to make at home in under 20 minutes! As with a lot of my Chinese takeout recipes I like to omit the breading and deep frying and keep things nice and light with a quick and simple saute. This recipe is as easy to make as quickly cooking the chicken at a high temperature, adding the pineapple and bell pepper followed by the ingredients for the sauce and with a total cooking time of less than 10 minutes, this tasty dish is perfect for busy work nights!

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Zucchini Pizza Bites

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Zucchini Pizza Bites
Last year when I made my eggplant pizzas for the first time I just knew that I would have to try a zucchini version! I already knew that zucchini works amazingly well as a pizza crust since I make zucchini crust pizzas throughout zucchini season so simplifying things a bit and just using slices of zucchini for the pizza 'crust' sounded perfect! Most zucchini that you get in the grocery store these days are relatively small so these pizzas are bite sized but if you head out to your famers market you should be able to get some pretty large zucchini, say about 3-5 inched across, for even larger zucchini pizzas. These zucchini pizzas are super simple to make, you just need to pre-cook the zucchini a bit, top them with pizza sauce, cheese and your favourite pizza toppings and broil them until the cheese melts. You could easily serve these zucchini pizza bites as snacks or as dinner and they are a great way to get your kids to eat more vegetables!

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25 Zucchini Recipes

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25 Zucchini Recipes

Zucchini, aka courgette, a summer squash, has to be one of my favourite summer vegetables (technically a fruit) and that's good because when you grow it you get a ton of it! Although it's nice and easy to steam or saute some zucchini and serve it as a side dish you can do so much more with it! Zucchini is really versatile and it can be used in a wide variety of dishes from pastas, to salads, soups, sauces, fritters, pies, casseroles and the list goes on! It can even be used in sweet dishes like cakes, muffins, breads, etc. I always love to experiment and try new ways of using zucchini and with zucchini season here I thought that I would share some of my current favourite recipes!

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Roasted Asparagus and Mushroom Poutine

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Roasted Asparagus and Mushroom Poutine
Asparagus and mushrooms are a fabulous combination, one that I never tire of using, and my latest creation is an asparagus and mushroom poutine. Poutine is a Canadian dish where french fries are topped with cheese curds and gravy. I figured that the asparagus would make perfect 'fries' and I could toss the mushrooms in along with the cheese curds and top everything off with a tasty mushroom gravy. I always enjoy roasting vegetables, it helps bring out more flavour, and so I decided to roast both the asparagus and the mushrooms for the poutine. For the gravy I started things out by soaking some dried porcini mushrooms in broth and I used them along with some shallots, garlic, thyme and soy sauce to ensure that the gravy was full of flavour. I have too say that this is one tasty poutine; I mean, you really cannot go wrong taking an amazing combo like asparagus and mushrooms and topping them with cheese and a tasty gravy!

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Strawberry Bruschetta with Bacon, Candied Pecans and Goat Cheese with a Balsamic Drizzle

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Strawberry Bruschetta with Bacon, Candied Pecans, Goat Cheese and Balsamic Drizzle
These strawberry bruschetta with bacon, candied pecans and goat cheese with a balsamic drizzle combine some of my favourite flavours and they are perfect for summer entertaining! Normally I would use these ingredients in a salad but they also work well in bruschetta form as finger food when entertaining. The juicy strawberries pair perfectly with the creamy goat cheese, the salty bacon and the tart balsamic vinegar and I like to top everything off with a touch of fresh basil to brighten things up! The candied pecans add a nice sweet crunch, though you could easily substitute regular pecans.

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Pesto Zucchini Fritters with Caprese Bruschetta Topping

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Pesto Zucchini Fritter Caprese Bruschetta
At this time of year there is plenty of zucchini around and one of my favourite ways to enjoy it is zucchini fritters! Zucchini fritters themselves are super simple being made of the shredded zucchini, eggs and flour and then you can add any flavourings that you want and basil pesto is a great wat to go! The basil pesto makes these zucchini fritters amazingly fresh, bright, summery and simply irresistible! Although these fritters are great all by themselves they are even better when served bruschetta style with a caprese inspired topping with tomatoes, mozzarella and plenty of basil along with a balsamic drizzle!

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Blackened Shrimp and Fried Green Tomato Po Boy Salad

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Blackened Shrimp and Fried Green Tomato Po Boy Salad
The blackened shrimp and fried green tomato po'boy is one of my favourite sandwiches and when I found myself thinking that it would also make a great salad I just had to try it. The po'boy submarine style sandwich can have pretty much much anything in it with common ingredients being fried seafood but this flavour combo is what I usually go with so that's where I started the salad out. The shrimp are simply tossed in some creole seasoning and then cooked at a high temperature in a pan and the fried green tomatoes are just sliced green tomatoes that are dipped in buttermilk followed by flour and/or cornmeal and fried until golden brown. The rest of the salad composed of lettuce and ripe tomatoes and I could not resist throwing some bacon into the mix! The final component of the salad is a tasty remoulade sauce thinned down a bit with buttermilk to make into more of a dressing. The po'boy sandwich salad experiment was a complete success with all of the flavours working well together and working well in salad form; I know I will be making this salad a lot in the future!

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