Salmon Teriyaki

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Salmon Teriyaki
Lately I have been trying to include more fish in my meal plans and teriyaki salmon is definitely one of my favourite ways to go! Salmon teriyaki is a super quick and easy meal where you simply marinate the salmon in a homemade teriyaki sauce and then broil or grill it! Not including the marinate time, salmon teriyaki takes less than 15 minutes to put together making it perfect for busy weeknight meals and it is also sure to impress dinner guests!

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Cauliflower Rice

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Cauliflower Rice
I have been a little bit obsessed with the idea of cauliflower 'rice' ever since I came across it! I have used cauliflower rice in a number of recipes that I have shared with you and I think that it warranted sharing a basic version that can be used in pretty much and dish that calls for rice. Cauliflower rice is basically cauliflower that has been 'riced' by grating into small rice like pieces and sauteed until it is lightly golden brown on the outside and nice and tender on the inside. Although cauliflower rice does not have the exact same texture as rice it is a light, healthy, low carb and tasty alternative and it's a great way to sneak an extra vegetable into your meal!

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Honey Lemon Chicken and Asparagus Stir Fry

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Honey Lemon Chicken and Asparagus Stir Fry
With spring here I have been looking for lighter meals and you really can't go wrong with a quick, easy and tasty stir-fry! One of my favourite Chinese takeout dishes is honey lemon chicken and this is my lighter and healthier homemade version where I stir-fry the chicken instead of battering it and frying it in tons of oil. The tasty sauce is what makes this dish shine and the lemon is just perfect for spring especially when accompanied by a spring vegetable like asparagus! This stir-fry is great for quick weeknight meals since it comes together in less than twenty minutes, which is less time than it takes to cook the rice! Speaking of rice, I often like to serve the honey lemon chicken and asparagus stir-fry on cauliflower 'rice' to make for a even healthier meal!

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50 Spring Recipes

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50 Spring Recipes

Although spring has officially been here for a while now I don't really see spring as having started until the weather gets warmer and the local asparagus starts to show up, both of which finally happens this last week! This is always a happy time of year for me as it means that for the next few months I will get to head down to the farmers market every week to see what is new and pick up a few things up. With the first spring produce here I thought that it was a great opportunity to gather some of my favourite recipes using some spring ingredients including asparagus, ramps, fiddleheads, peas, fava beans, rhubarb, strawberries, artichokes and morel mushrooms. I hope that you enjoy these spring recipes! I am definitely looking forward to using them in some new recipes over the next few weeks!

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Eggs Benedict with Bacon, Avodaise (Avocado Hollandaise) and Harissa

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Eggs Benedict with Bacon, Avodaise (Avocado Hollandaise) and Harissa
Avocados have to be one of my favourite foods so when I came across the idea of an avocado hollandaise sauce I just had to try it! A hollandaise sauce is a lemony sauce that is made by emulsifying eggs with a ton of butter that is decadently good but a little rich so a lighter and healthier version using avocados sounded amazing! This avocado hollandaise, I am going to call it an avodaise sauce, is a super simple mixture of pureed avocado and lemon juice along with some water to thin it to the consistency of a sauce and simply irresistible.

One of the classic dishes that a hollandaise sauce is used in is eggs benedict, consisting of english muffins, ham and poached eggs in addition to the sauce, and it was the perfect dish to try the avodaise sauce on. Although ham is great in eggs benedict, bacon goes so well with avocados so I could not resist going with that instead and I added a hit of harissa for a spicy kick. I have to say that this avodaise sauce is even better than the original and it is absolutely divine in bacon eggs benedict!

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Quesadillas al Pastor

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Quesadillas al Pastor with Pineapple Salsa and Pineapple Guacamole
When I made the tacos al pastor the other week I made a double batch to ensure leftovers for use in quesadillas! The tacos al pastor taste great when filled with fresh ingredients like pineapple, onions and cilantro so they can only get better in quesadilla form with plenty of ooey gooey melted cheese! These quesadillas al pastor are filled with the al pastor pork, pineapple pieces, pineapple salsa, diced onions, cilantro and of course lots and lots of cheese before they are grilled until the cheese has melted and the tortillas a crispy and golden brown. Even if you do not make the tacos al pastor it's definitely well worth making the al pastor pork for these tasty quesadillas!

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Strawberry Lemon Ricotta Poppy Seed Pancakes

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Strawberry Lemon Ricotta Poppy Seed Pancakes
Last week we finally saw some spring weather with a few days where it was warm enough to cast off our jackets and that got thinking about spring recipes including these strawberry pancakes. These pancakes have it all from the large chunks of strawberries to ricotta to keep them nice and moist, lemon to keep them nice and bright and fresh and even some poppy seeds to boot! Honey is used as the sweetener rather than sugar and it pairs fabulously well with the lemon and strawberries! I could easily eat a stack of these pancakes plain but I like to top them with a fresh homemade simple strawberry syrup, which is a must make all by itself! Of course some fresh sliced juicy strawberries sprinkled on top finish these strawberry lemon ricotta poppy seed pancakes making them just perfect for a special spring breakfast brunch or dinner!

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Strawberry, Bacon and Goat Cheese Strata with Balsamic Syrup

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Strawberry, Bacon and Goat Cheese Strata with Balsamic Syrup

This weekend is Mother's Day and over the next few days I will be trying out some new recipes for breakfast in bed for mom or a special brunch and up first is this sweet and savoury strawberry strata! (A strata is essentially a bread pudding where bread is soaked in a custard filling of milk and eggs and baked until it sets.) For this strata I was going for aspects of both sweet and savoury by combining strawberries with bacon and goat cheese. I start the recipe off with a loaf of King's Hawaiian Sweet Bread which is perfect as it's sweetness complements the strawberries! This recipe is super easy to make; once you have everything mixed up you simply need to bake it; anyone can make it for mom! The strata is finished off by topping it with fresh sliced strawberries and a balsamic syrup made by reducing balsamic vinegar and sugar until it thickens and it's sweetness and tartness perfectly complements the sweet and savoury strata.

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50 Mother's Day Recipes

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50 Mother's Day Recipes

Next weekend is Mother's Day and a great way to show her how much you care is with some home cooking! Start the day off right for mom with breakfast in bed or a special brunch and then keep things going with some tasty snacks in the afternoon followed by and quick and easy dinner that is sure to please! You don't need to be a master chef to treat mom to some home cooking on Mother's Day; most of these recipes are super easy to make and she will definitely appreciate the effort! Whether you treat mom to a full day of home cooked meals or just one dish you can't go wrong with one of these recipes and any one of them will make this Mother's Day one that mom will never forget!
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Chorizo and Egg Breakfast Nachos

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Chorizo and Egg Breakfast Nachos
On Cinco de Mayo there is no reason to hold off on celebrating until later in the day; start it off with a Mexican inspired breakfast, nachos! Spicy chorizo sausage and scrambled eggs make for a tasty breakfast all by themselves but why not enjoy them nacho style on tortilla chips covered in melted cheese? These breakfast nachos are fully loaded with salsa, beans, tomato, avocado and jalapenos in addition to the sausage and eggs making them a hearty and tasty way to start the day!

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Tacos al Pastor with Pineapple Salsa Roja

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Tacos al Pastor
Up next in my Cinco de Mayo line up is one of my favourites, tacos al pastor! Al pastor is a Mexican pork that is marinated in chilies and pineapple, layered and roasted on a vertical rotisserie similar to shawarma. Because cooking pork in this fashion is not easy for every home cook I like to use this slow cooker version that gives all of the flavours of al pastor using a method that is much easier to do at home. This recipe starts out by making a salsa with dried chilies and pineapple and it is used both to marinate the pork butt and in the final tacos. Once the pork has been marinated in the pineapple salsa it is cooked in the slow cooker until tender before being shredded to be used in the tacos. I like to keep the fillings for tacos al pastor nice and simple with the al pastor pork, onions, cilantro, grilled pineapple and the spicy pineapple salsa. Pork and pineapple is a beautiful combination and and it is simply amazing in these tacos al pastor which are definitely going to be the star at any Cinco de Mayo party!

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