Maple and Bourbon Ham and Baked Bean Soup

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Maple, Bourbon Ham and Baked Bean Soup

Although a ham dinner is pretty amazing I sometimes think that I like the leftovers even more, especially that ham bone! One of my favourite ways of enjoying the ham bone and some of the ham leftovers is in a ham and bean soup which is so easy to make and so unbelievably good; pure comfort food! This time I thought that I would change things up and instead of making a classic ham and bean soup I would make a baked bean themed ham and bean soup. I started out with my standard ham and bean soup recipe including the classic onion, carrot and celery combo followed by ham broth and the beans but then I took a u-turn and started with the baked bean flavours including a sweetener, molasses, ketchup, mustard, worcestershire sauce and a splash cider vinegar. Instead of using simple brown sugar for the sweetener I went with maple syrup to add another layer of flavour and I kicked things up a bit with a hit of bourbon and spicy chipotle chilies before finishing the soup off with the ham. This ham and baked bean soup is a great way to enjoy the ham bone and leftover ham in a way that makes the ham dinner look a little boring, though definitely worth it!

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Ham Broth (and How to Cook a Smoked and Cured Picnic Ham)

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Ham Broth
One of my favourite special occasion dinners has to be the ham dinner! Not only are ham dinners oh so tasty but the are also super easy to make and coming up with interesting ways of using all of the leftovers is always fun! There are different kinds of hams and my favourite is the smoked and cured picnic ham which often comes on sale for dirt cheap and it never disappoints. You can cook a smoked and cured picnic ham a number of way and I usually go with a combination of boiling and roasting which gives you the best of both worlds. Boiling the ham first allows you to make a tasty broth while simmering it, helps cut down on the saltiness of the ham and helps keep the ham nice and moist and tender. You get the ham broth by adding your favourite broth ingredients like onions, carrots and celery along with some herbs and spices to the water while boiling the ham. After the initial boil the ham is pat dry and roasted to finish the cooking and you can opt to go for a crispy cracking or a glaze to add flavour.

How amazing is that? This one ham gives you a tasty ham dinner, optionally with crackling, leftovers, ham broth, a ham bone to be used in soups or stew!

(See below for ideas about what to use the ham broth, bone and leftovers in.)

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Buffalo Chicken Deviled Eggs

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Buffalo Chicken Deviled Eggs

I have been on an egg kick this Easter and with the success of the bacon guacamole deviled eggs I could not help but think of other flavours to use in deviled eggs and of course one of my first thoughts was of buffalo chicken deviled eggs! You really can't go wrong with buffalo chicken anything and I really liked the sound of combining chicken and egg in a tasty buffalo chicken deviled egg appetizer! The recipe for these deviled eggs could not be easier with a chicken and egg 'salad' with mayonnaise and finely diced carrots, celery, onions and a bit of blue cheese. Once everything is mixed up you just add some buffalo hot sauce, stuff the hard boiled eggs and you are all set to impress at your Easter, or other, get together!

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Roasted Broccoli and Cheddar Soup

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Roasted Broccoli and Cheddar Soup

Despite the fact that it has been a little warmer out lately, I have still been craving soups and I recently realized that it had been a very long time since I last made one of my favourite soups, a broccoli and cheddar soup. The broccoli and cheddar flavour combination is a really good one that I never tire of reinventing in different dishes but this soup is one that I keep coming back to again and again. Since this soup is so simple it is a good idea to use quality ingredients including roasted broccoli, a nice homemade vegetable broth or chicken broth a nice quality aged cheddar. Roasting vegetables concentrates and brings out their flavours and the intensified broccoli flavours from the roasted broccoli goes beautifully well in this soup. This roasted broccoli and aged cheddar soup is super easy to make and yet it is so bursting with flavour that it is bound to satisfy! One last thing that I like to do with this soup is to add a tablespoon of grainy mustard which goes particularly nicely with the broccoli and cheddar flavour combination.

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Bacon Guacamole Deviled Eggs

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Bacon Guacamole Deviled Eggs

It is hard to think about Easter without thinking about eggs and deviled eggs are a great way to include some eggs in your Easter menu. Deviled eggs are hard boiled eggs that are served cut in half and stuffed with a mixture that typically includes the egg yolk along with some mayonnaise, mustard and a touch of hot sauce or a garnish of chili powder. Although your basic deviled eggs are great all by themselves you do not have to stick with the basic filling; you can go crazy with the flavours and one of my favourite ways to stuff them is with guacamole! You cannot go wrong combining two already amazing things like eggs and guacamole in a new dish like guacamole deviled eggs! As good as the guacamole deviled eggs sound I could hardly resist stopping there and I had to throw in another amazing ingredient, bacon! Bacon and eggs is a match made in heaven and bacon and avocado is not far behind so why not combine them all in bacon guacamole deviled eggs? No matter how you cut it, these bacon guacamole deviled eggs are bound to be a hit at your Easter gathering!

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Roasted Brussels Sprout Carbonara

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Roasted Brussels Sprout Carbonara

The other day I noticed some brussels sprouts looking rather lonely in the grocery store and that made me realize that with winter coming to an end they would be disappearing soon. Brussels sprouts have to be one of my favourite winter vegetables and despite the fact that I really had not done much with them this winter I always have plenty of ideas with how to enjoy them including this carbonara pasta. Carbonara pasta is an Italian pasta dish that consists of egg yolk, cheese, bacon and plenty of fresh cracked black pepper and I always enjoy throwing a seasonal vegetable like brussels sprouts in the mix to keep things new and interesting and to make it a bit healthier. Although you could steam the brussels sprouts, I prefer to roast them to bring out their flavour and they go perfectly well with the bacon in the creamy egg yolk and cheese carabonara sauce! On of the great things about this pasta is how quick and easy it is to make, taking only as long as it takes to roast the brussels sprouts to pull together making it a great light meal for a weeknight.

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Spinach, White Bean and Turkey Sausage Soup

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Spinach, White Bean and Turkey Sausage Soup

Although spring is officially here, it is still well below freezing and snowing out so I am in the mood for soup! This spinach, white bean and turkey sausage soup has to be one of my favourites and it is perfect for this time of year when it is still pretty cold out but I am already thinking about lighter spring fare. One of the things that I like most about this soup is how quick and easy it is to make and despite that it is so tasty and packed full of flavour! The turkey sausage and beans keep this soup light and healthy and I always like to include some greens like spinach, kale or swiss chard. If you have a parmesan rind lying around, toss it into the soup while it simmers to add an extra layer of flavour and hitting the soup with a shot lemon juice just before serving adds a beautiful brightness.

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Roasted Cauliflower Satay with Spicy Peanut Dipping Sauce

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Roasted Cauliflower Satay with Spicy Peanut Dipping Sauce

I have been a huge fan of roasted cauliflower ever since I first tried it! There is just something about roasted cauliflower... roasting it takes something that is pretty boring and transforms it into something that is extraordinary. Even in it's simplest form, tossed in olive oil with salt and pepper, it is ridiculously addictive and I could easily chow down on a bowl of it rather than popcorn while watching a movie. The only real question is, why stop with salt and pepper when you could add any number of flavours or seasonings to the roasted cauliflower? Buffalo roasted cauliflower as to be one of my current favourites but I have plenty of ideas for roasted cauliflower starting with this chicken satay inspired one. The basic idea behind this roasted cauliflower was to marinate the cauliflower in a satay style marinade, roast it and then serve it with a Thai style spicy peanut sauce for dipping. I was a little worried that marinating the cauliflower might cause problems with roasting but it works quite well with the cauliflower absorbing a lot of the marinades flavour and it still roasts up perfectly. This satay roasted cauliflower is super tasty all by itself but the peanut sauce takes it to a whole new level of amazingness!

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Chipotle Roast Sweet Potato and Black Bean Quinoa Salad with Creamy Avocado Dressing

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Chipotle Roast Sweet Potato and Black Bean Quinoa Salad

After all of that rich St Patrick's Day fare I was looking for something on the lighter side which was perfect timing since this roasted sweet potato and black bean quinoa salad had been on my mind for a while. There is just something about the sweet potato, creamy black bean and smoky and spicy chipotle chili flavour combo that keeps me coming back for more and this quinoa salad is a great way to enjoy it! In addition to being super tasty, this salad is really easy to make and it only takes as much time to throw together as it takes to roast the sweet potato es!

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Reuben Cauliflower Corned Beef Hash

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Reuben Cauliflower Corned Beef Hash

If you are lucky enough to still have any leftover corned beef, I have one more tasty way for you to enjoy it; in a reuben style corned beef and cauliflower hash. This hash has all of the flavours of a reuben sandwich including the corned beef, sauerkraut, melted swiss cheese, russian dressing and caraway seeds for the dark rye bread flavour. This dish could of course be done with the more common potatoes but I wanted to lighten it up a bit and went with cauliflower this time as it does amazingly well in hash! This might just be one of the easiest and tastiest ways to enjoy some leftover corned beef for breakfast!

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Reuben Quiche

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Reuben Quiche

With a bit of luck, or planning, after your St Patrick's Day dinner you will have some leftover corned beef to use in a new dish or two and this reuben quiche is definitely a tasty place to start. For this quiche I wanted to include all of the flavours of a reuben sandwich in quiche form for breakfast. The quiche itself is rather easy coming together with the standard eggs and cream along with some swiss cheese and it is filled it out with the leftover corned beef, some sauerkraut and a touch of russian or thousand island dressing. The only thing that is missing was the rye bread that a reuben sandwich is normally made with and I include it by making the quiches crust out of rye breadcrumbs held together with a touch of butter and some more swiss cheese that I pre-bake to ensure that it is nice and crisp. I have to say that this is one truly amazing way to do breakfast the day after St Patrick's Day!

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Corned Beef Cuban Grilled Cheese Sandwich

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St Patrick’s Day Corned Beef Cuban Grilled Cheese Sandwich

I recently made some lechon asado (Cuban roast pork) and I used it to make some tasty Cuban style sandwiches. A reader recently suggested trying a St Patrick's Day take on the Cuban sandwich replacing the ham with corned beef which sounded really good! I am no stranger to mixing things up and one of my favourite takes on a Cuban sandwich has to be my Thanksgiving Cuban sandwich where the roast pork is replaced with roast turkey and cranberry sauce is thrown into the mix, so I needed little convincing to try the St Patrick's day version! As luck would have it I still had some roast pork in the freezer and I had just made some corned beef so I was all set to go. Normally a Cuban sandwich is made in a Cuban bun and cooked pressed but I decided to make this sandwich more grilled cheese style in golden brown crispy butter-y bread that is grilled to perfection. I have to say that the corned beef makes for an excellent substitution for the ham in a Cuban sandwich and I will definitely be making these again! Next time I think I might throw some russian or thousand island dressing and try to work in some sauerkraut and make it more of a reuben Cuban sandwich!

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Corned Beef Hash

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Corned Beef Hash

Another classic way to use some leftover corned beef is in hash which at its base is a mixture of cooked corned beef, potatoes and onions and it is fried up for breakfast. This is a pretty easy recipe where you simply take some sauteed onions, add the corned beef along with cooked potatoes and fry it all up. The key to a good hash is the frying; you want to pack the hash down in the frying pan and let it fry until it is a nice deep golden brown and caramelized and then flip it and repeat. Although this dish is pretty simple, it is full of flavour because of that caramelization and it is pure comfort food that is great for breakfast the day after St Patrick's Day. When I made my corned beef dinner the other night I made sure to throw in enough potatoes that there would be some leftover for the hash the next morning and with the cooked corned beef and cooked potatoes ready this dish is really easy to make taking almost no time at all. Of course pretty much everything is better topped with a fried egg with a runny yolk!

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Breakfast Reuben Sandwich

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Breakfast Reuben Sandwich

One of the best things about St Patrick's Day has to be all of the leftover corned beef and although the reuben sandwich is my favourite way to enjoy those leftovers, it is sometimes difficult to wait until lunch to make a reuben sandwich! This year I thought that it would be nice to push it up a bit and have a reuben for breakfast in the form of a breakfast sandwich in an english muffin with a fried egg! This breakfast reuben sandwich has all of the flavours of a regular reuben sandwich with the corned beef, swiss cheese, sauerkraut and russian or thousand island dressing but it is served in an english muffin with a fried egg. The only thing that is missing really is the lack of rye bread and if you feel up to it you could make your own rye english muffins but I took an easier route and simply added one of the primary flavours of a rye bread, the caraway seeds, to the breakfast sandwich. This sandwich certainly is one tasty breakfast treat and a perfect way to get a start to the day after St Patrick's Day!

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Guinness French Onion Soup

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Guinness French Onion Soup

French onion soup has to be one of my favourite winter comfort soups and with St Patrick's Day coming I thought I would try making it with an Irish twist. When I make french onion soup I like to use wine along with broth to form the liquid base of the soup and why not replace the wine with an Irish stout like Guinness? Since I was using Guinness in the broth I had to bring along some Worcestershire sauce and grainy mustard since they are all such great companions. French onion soup is often served topped with toast and melted cheese and with the Guinness, Worcestershire sauce and grainy mustard combo in the mix that cheese had to be a nice aged cheddar and preferably an Irish one. I have to admit that french onion soup does take a bit of time to make, it takes time to properly caramelize the onions, but this Guinness french onion soup is so worth the effort; a perfect treat to warm one up on a cold St Patrick's Day!

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Corned Beef Poutine with Guinness Gravy

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Guinness and Corned Beef Poutine

As fantastically good as the initial corned beef dinner is, I sometimes think that I look forward to the leftovers even more. There are just so many things that you can do with leftover corned beef and I like to try out new things every chance I get! First up on my list this year, after a required reuben sandwich, was this corned beef and Guiness gravy poutine. Poutine is a dish consisting of french fries topped with cheese curds and gravy and it is amazingly addictive and oh so good! The cheese curds start to melt under the heat of the gravy and the fries and they squeak a bit when you chew them. Since I was making the corned beef to celebrate St Patrick's Day it seemed only natural to continue the theme with the corned beef poutine and make a gravy using a popular St Patrick's Day stout, Guinnesss. I wanted the gravy to be a bit fuller so I included some caramelized onions and I seasoned it with grainy mustard and Worcestershire sauce which go particularly well with both Guinness and cheese. I have to say that this is one tasty way to enjoy some leftover corned beef and it will definitely become a staple St Patrick's Day Dish for me!

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Guinness Glazed Slow Cooker Corned Beef

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Guinness Glazed Slow Cooker Corned Beef
With St Patrick's Day coming up I have been planning my menu and the main course almost always has to be corned beef; it's just so easy to make, it's always tasty and there there are so many different ways to make it! A slow cooker or crock-pot makes cooking corned beef a sinch, you simply put the corned beef into the slow cooker in the morning and then at night you pull it out and it's ready to go. Of course you can change things up by changing what else goes into the slow cooker with the corned beef like the liquid that it is cooked in. Sure you could just use water, but why not add some flavour by using another liquid? This year I was dead set to combine another St Pat's Day favourite, Guinness, an Irish stout, with my corned beef and the first step was to cook the corned beef in Guinness in the slow cooker to infuse it with it's flavour throughout the day long slow cooking. I certainly couldn't let all of that Guinness go to waste after the corned beef was done cooking in it, I mean not only was it Guinness but now there was also all of those tasty corned beef juices mixed in! The solution was easy and while I let the corned beef rest before slicing into it I turned the Guinness and corned beef juices into a tasty glaze by adding some brown sugar, grainy mustard and Worcestershire sauce and then simmering to reduce and thicken it into a glaze. Once the glaze was ready, finishing the corned beef is as easy as removing the layer of fat, glazing and then baking until the glaze is a bubbling and caramelizing and good! With this Guinness glazed slow cooker corned beef, this years St Patrick's Day is going to be one of the tastiest yet!

Feel free to throw your veggies into the slow cooker to cook with the corned beef but if you would prefer that they not taste like Guinness you can make them separately, which is the way I went.

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Bacon Guinness Chocolate Pancakes with a Frothy Whipped Cream Head and Guinness Chocolate Syrup

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Bacon Guinness Chocolate Pancakes with a Frothy Whipped Cream Head, Guinness Chocolate Syrup

This year St Patrick's Day is on a Sunday and that means cutting back on the amount of Irish ales, stouts and whiskies in the evening but it also provides the opportunity to do some more cooking in the spirit of the day, starting with breakfast! Guinness and chocolate are a perfect match and I was thinking that some Guinness chocolate pancakes would be a great way to kick off St Patrick's day! For the recipe, I pretty much took my standard chocolate pancake recipe and replaced the milk with Guinness. I made the pancakes small so that I could make a nice stack of them as if they were Guinness in a glass and I topped them off with a frothy head of whipped cream. Instead of using regular pancake syrup or even maple syrup I decided to kick up the chocolate and Guinness flavours with a Guinness and chocolate syrup! You know me too well; I could not stop there, I just had to add some crumbled bacon to the pancake batter to give the chocolate pancakes a saltiness to play off of their sweetness. (The bacon is of course completely optional and should be omitted for the vegetarian version.) You are sure to get your St Patrick's Day celebrations off to a good start with these totally amazing bacon Guinness chocolate pancakes with a frothy whipped cream head and Guinness chocolate syrup!

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Guinness Chocolate Syrup

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Guinness Chocolate Syrup

For those of you that have tried my Guinness chocolate cheesecake, and if you haven’t you seriously need to, you will know that Guinness brings out chocolates natural flavour, enhancing it, making it even better. For my next St Patrick's Day dish I needed a chocolate syrup and in my mind a Guinness chocolate syrup was the only way to go! A simple syrup, just like its name implies, is really simple requiring just water and sugar to be combined and simmered to melt the sugar and thicken the syrup a bit. A chocolate syrup is made by adding cocoa powder to the mix and a Guinness chocolate syrup is of course made by simply replacing the water with Guinness. As easy as this Guinness chocolate syrup it is also amazingly good and I cannot wait to start using it!

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Cuban Black Beans and Rice (Moros y Cristianos)

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Cuban Black Beans and Rice (Moros y Cristianos)

On the weekend, when I made the Cuban roast pork, lechon asado, I served it with some Cuban style black beans and rice make it a complete meal. Many different cultures seem to have their own version of a beans and rice dish and moros y cristianos, black beans and rice, is the Cuban version. This dish is really easy to make and it generally consists of onions, peppers, garlic and oregano that is simmered with the black beans, infusing the dish with some amazing aromas. Everything is simmered low and slow to let the flavours develop and it is cooked until the beans get tender and start to break apart making for one tasty and creamy dish. Dried black beans are commonly used for this dish but this version is a quicker one that uses canned beans making it a little easier to make, which is especially nice when making a large meal. These Cuban style black beans are tasty and satisfying enough to make for a complete meal all by themselves or they can be served as a side dish as I did when I served them with the lechon asado. This bean and rice recipe is definitely one to keep on hand for when looking for a light, healthy and tasty dish!

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Cuban Sandwich

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Cuban Sandwich

At the beginning of the week I had plenty of freshly minted leftover Cuban roast pork (lechon asado) and of course the first thing that I thought to use it in was a sandwich, a Cuban sandwich in particular. The Cuban sandwich, popularized in Florida, consists of roast pork, ham, swiss cheese, yellow mustard and pickles and it is generally 'pressed' when grilled. As luck planning would have it, I also just happened to also have some roast ham on hand so I was all set to make some Cuban sandwiches! These sandwiches are really easy to make, you pretty much just assemble the sandwich and grill it in a panini press. (I don't have a panini press so I just used a grill pan and 'pressed' down on the sandwich with a mixing bowl.) Despite being so simple, the Cuban sandwich is packed full of flavour and all of the flavours work so well together! The Cuban sandwich works particularly well with the lechon asado that has been marinated in the sour orange and garlic mojo and if you have any extra mojo on hand, throw some into the sandwich or dip your sandwich into it for even more kick! If you are using lechon asado for your roast pork and if you had any crackling, add some to the sandwich for a tasty crunchy texture! These sandwiches certainly are a great way to enjoy some of the leftover Cuban roast pork (lechon asado)!

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Cuban Roast Pork (Lechon Asado)

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Cuban Roast Pork (Lechon Asado)

One project that I have been wanting to try for a while was making a Cuban style roast pork and with a recent sale it was the right time to make it! Cuban style roast pork, aka lechon asado, is traditionally made by roasting a whole pig until cooked and the skin is nice and crispy but at home it is much easier to make a smaller cut of pork, say the shoulder or picnic cut and roast it in the oven. Lechon asado is made in many different spanish speaking countries and what makes this one Cuban is the Cuban style mojo sauce marinade. The mojo sauce is made with sour orange juice and plenty or garlic along with some oregano and cumin and it is used to both marinate the pork before roasting and also at the table for drizzling or dipping.

Since this recipe is an in home adaptation of roasting a whole pig, there are several ways in which you could cook the pork. Cooking the pork in a slow cooker would be the easiest solution but since the picnic cut of the pork shoulder comes with the skin on I wanted to roast it in the oven to get some nice and crispy crackling. The first step was to make the mojo sauce and most recipes called for pureeing the sauce in a blender until smooth but since I do not have a blender I went with my food processor and ended up with a slightly chunkier version, though I kind of liked those nice chunks of garlic and it certainly tasted pretty amazing anyways. Next up was marinating the meat in the mojo over night which was pretty easy but it did create some difficulties with my desire to get some crispy crackling as wet skin does not crackle well. In the end I decided to pull the pork out of the marinade and early, pat the skin dry and let it dry out for an hour before scoring it the skin and rubbing in some salt. You can serve your Cuban style roast pork in one of two ways, sliced or pulled and the only really difference is how long you cook it. To get the crackling I started out by roasting the pork at a high temperature until the skin got nice and crispy and then I lowered the temperature to continue roasting until the pork was cooked. In the end I was able to get the crackling that I was after but it was more of a blackend crackling which was still addictively tasty but I did need to cover the pork with foil part way through cooking to prevent it from burning.

Once the pork was done roasting I pulled it out of the oven and while I let it rest and cool down before pulling it I caramelized onions in some of the mixture of mojo and juices from the bottom of the pan to mix into the pulled pork. When I marinated the pork I made sure to reserve some of the mojo to both mix into the pull pork and to serve with the meal for even more mojo-y goodness! I have to say that this Cuban style roast pork with crackling was an amazingly successful and fabulously tasty project that is definitely worth making for your family Sunday night dinner!

(Of course you all know that I did not make a roast pork just for the initial roast pork dinner! Keep an eye out for what I use the Cuban style roast pork in next!)

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Banh Mi Chicken Salad

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Banh Mi Chicken Salad

Salads are always a great way to get more vegetables into your diet and I am always looking for creative ways of turning salads into light meals. Not too long ago I came across the idea of a banh mi salad on A Spicy Perspective which sounded pretty amazing given how much of a fan of banh mi sandwiches that I am and the salad would definitely eat like a meal! This salad starts out with a base of lettuce to which is added common elements of banh mi sandwiches such as cool and juicy cucumbers, sweet and salty pickled carrots and daikon radish and spicy birds eye chilies for heat. Of course this salad would not really be a light meal without some protein and chicken is always a great way to go for salads. I have always enjoyed using meat cooked in a Vietnamese caramel sauce that nicely blends aspects of sweetness, saltiness, sourness and spiciness in my banh mi sandwiches so a Vietnamese caramel chicken was definitely the way to go. With all of this the banh mi salad was just about ready; it just needed an insanely tasty banh mi dressing and the dressing had to include the final aspects of a banh mi sandwich such as the mayonnasie. (See below for the dressing.) This salad takes a bit of work to make from scratch but it is definitely worth the effort and you can make things easier by making some of the sub-recipes a day or more ahead of time. The final result is one extremely tasty salad that truly does remind you of a banh mi sandwich!

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BBQ Chicken and Pineapple Quesadillas

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BBQ Chicken and Pineapple Quesadillas

Pineapple was cheap the other week so I picked some up on a whim and although I was enjoying eating it as is, I couldn't help but think of using some of it in a recipe. For those of you that have been following for a while, you will not be surprised that one of my first ideas was using it in a grilled cheese sandwich, though as it happened I was out of bread but I did have some extra tortillas that needed using and so quesadillas it was! With all of the cold weather lately I have been dreaming about warmer days and the BBQ chicken and pineapple flavour combo was sounding really good for a cheesy quesadilla, along with some spicy jalapenos for extra heat of course. If it were warmer out I would fire up the grill, grill some chicken and slather it with BBQ sauce but since that was not viable I went with the simpler leftover shredded chicken option, which also happens to be much quicker to implement. I have to say that the combo of the sweet and spicy BBQ chicken and juicy and tangy pineapple was a fabulous one! The ooey gooey cheesy quesadillas were pretty amazing and certainly did remind me warmer days; a perfect way to enjoy that pineapple!

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Pepperoni Pizza Casserole

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Pepperoni Pizza Casserole
When I know that I am going to have a busy week coming up I like to try to make one or two big meals on the weekend that are guaranteed to leave enough leftovers for a second quick meal during the week and casseroles are a great way to accomplish this. One of my favourite casseroles is a pizza casserole, I mean you really cannot go wrong with an ooey gooey melted cheesy casserole with all of the flavours of a pizza! This pizza casserole is a pasta based casserole with pizza sauce or marinara sauce, a cheese mixture of mozzarella, ricotta and parmesan along with your favourite pizza toppings. I often like a nice simple pepperoni, sausage and olive topping in my pizza casserole but you could use any pizza topping combination that you can think of and don't be afraid to change the pizza sauce up with a different kind of pizza sauce. No matter how you top it, this pizza casserole is going to be tasty!

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