Spinach and Feta Chicken Burgers (aka Spanakopita Burgers) with Grilled Halloumi, Roasted Red Peppers and a Spinach and Feta Sauce

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Spinach and Feta Chicken Burgers (aka Spanakopita Burgers) with Grilled Halloumi, Roasted Red Peppers and a Spinach and Feta Sauce
Spanakopita is a tasty Greek phyllo spinach and feta pie and I was thinking that the flavours would also be amazing in burger form; just perfect for summer grilling! I kept the patties nice and simple and yet packed them with flavour starting out using chicken for the base, though turkey would also be good, and I mixed in plenty of spinach and feta, along with some dill and green onions. Now these spinach and feta patties are super tasty just like this and I could easily eat them alone, or in burgers with lettuce, tomato and red onion as I had planned but I could not resist kicking things up a bit.

First off, I feel that every good burger should have bacon but it did not really fit the theme of these burgers so I went for the next best thing, grilled halloumi, which is almost as good as bacon and also an ingredient commonly seen in Mediterranean cuisine. Up next was a no brainer, roasted red peppers; and with that I thought that I was done but something kept nagging me... where was the cheese sauce? <spookyvoice>This burger needs a cheese sauce...</spookyvoice> Alright so I added a cheese sauce, a spanakoptia themed cheese sauce, starting with a bechamel base adding plenty of melted feta along with spinach and dill. With that final component my spanakoptia themed burgers, aka my spinach and feta chicken burgers with grilled halloumi, roasted red peppers and a spinach and feta sauce, were complete!

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Cilantro Lime Shrimp Tacos with Roasted Corn and Jalapeno Slaw and Roasted Jalapeno Crema

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Cilantro Lime Shrimp Tacos with Roasted Corn Slaw and Roasted Jalapeno Crema
After popping a few of those grilled cilantro lime shrimp into my mouth it was time to use them in something, tacos! For these tacos I wanted to keep things nice and light and summery so I started out with a simple roasted corn slaw that I tossed in a roasted jalapeno crema followed by some cool and creamy avocado, the cilantro lime shrimp and a dollop of even more of the roasted jalapeƱo crema for some extra creamy heat. Although the cilantro lime shrimp would be good in just about everything, they are particularly nice in these fresh summery tacos!

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Cilantro Lime Grilled Shrimp

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Cilantro Lime Grilled Shrimp
Cilantro and lime has to be one of my favourite flavour combos and my favourite way to enjoy it is on shrimp! I make cilantro lime shrimp year round but the summer is the best since you can do them on the grill. One of the great things about the cilantro and lime flavour combo, other than being tasty, is that it is so light and fresh and perfect for summer or reminding you of summer in the dead of winter. This recipe is really easy, you simply make the marinade, marinate the shrimp, skewer them and grill them. All said, excluding the marinate time, it takes less that 20 minutes from the time you start until you can be popping these bad boys into your mouth like candy! You can enjoy these shrimp by themselves or in other dishes like tacos, nachos, pasta, etc.

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30 Summer Salads

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30 Summer Salads

We're in the middle of summer right now and summer is definitely the salad season! Salads are amazingly versatile in that they can contain so many different things from a basic lettuce, cucumber and tomato salad to chicken salads, to potato salads, etc., they can be served either hot or cold and they can be everything from a side dish to a main course. After a long hot summer day I somethings don't feel like cooking, or eating a hot or heavy meal and a light, cool and crisp salad is the perfect solution! Summer is a great time for salads since there are so many fresh vegetables and fruits that can be used in them and as the ones that are available change, your salads change ensuring that they are always exciting! After thinking about salads so much I figured that it was about time that I gathered a few of my favourites and shared them with you and below you have 30 of them along with a few tasty dressings!

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Strawberry and Avocado Salad with Strawberry Poppy Seed Vinaigrette

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Strawberry and Avocado Salad with Strawberry Poppy Seed Vinaigrette
It's time for another salad recipe and this time it's a strawberry and avocado salad with strawberry poppy seed vinaigrette! Strawberries work so well in salads and I find myself making them on a near weekly basis all summer long! This salad combines so many of my favourite ingredients from the strawberries to the avocados, the BACON, and feta and the dressing is just so tasty and summery fresh! The strawberry poppy seed vinaigrette uses fresh strawberries with white balsamic vinegar, honey, tamari, mustard, garlic and a touch of sriracha for some spicy heat and it is just perfect on this strawberry salad!

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Strawberry Poppy Seed Vinaigrette

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Strawberry Poppy Seed Vinaigrette
One of my favourite things about summer is all of the fresh strawberries; I love using them in salads and they also work well in dressings like this strawberry poppy seed vinaigrette! This dressing is so easy to make that it literally only takes about 5 minutes! You simply puree fresh strawberries with white balsamic vinegar, oil, garlic, honey for sweetness, mustard for tanginess, tamari for saltiness and a kick of umami and sriracha for heat along with the poppy seeds of course! This fresh strawberry poppy seed vinaigrette goes great on salads of all kinds and in particular, this strawberry and avocado salad with bacon and feta!
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