Roast Cherry Dark Chocolate Brownie Sundaes

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The cherry season has been nice and long and they are still plentiful and cheap which is good because I recently came across the idea of using them to make roast cherry brownies on Foodie Bride which I just had to try! I always enjoy roasting things because it tends to concentrate and strengthen their flavour and I really liked the sound of hitting the little nuggets of concentrated cherry flavour...

Blueberry Baked French Toast with Amaretti Crumble and Blueberry Maple Syrup

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It seems that I have been on a bit of streak with sweet breakfasts lately which is unusual for me but with all of the amazing fruits and berries available these days it has been hard to resist! French toast is a great way to do breakfasts on the weekend and although I normally make it on the stove top, it is also possible to bake it in the oven. For a baked French toast the bread is placed in a baking...

Tomato Tatin

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One of my favourite things about summer is all of the fresh local produce at the farmers market, so I tend to head down every Saturday morning. The market starts out slowly in the spring, with asparagus and then strawberries. By July, things pick up, with a flurry of new things every week.Read the recipe...

Strawberry Greek Yogurt Banana Bread

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During the summer I tend to make a lot of quick breads and that is because there are so many fruits and vegetables that are available that make really good quick breads. One of my favourite summer quick breads has to be the strawberry sour cream bread which I tend to make pretty much every year! This year I was thinking that I might try lightening the recipe up a bit and the first step was to use...

Pineapple and Shrimp Fried Quinoa

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Fried rice is one of those super quick and easy comfort food dishes that is always satisfying and I recently found myself wondering how quinoa would do in a fried rice dish. There are a lot of great fried rice dishes out there and my favourite has to be a Thai style pineapple and shrimp fried rice which is packed with amazing flavours and it seemed like the perfect candidate to be made with quinoa!...

Black Forest Pancakes

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I am not really all that big on sweets but if you were to ask me what kind of cake that I wanted for a special occasion, I would probably say a Black Forest cake. A Black Forest cake is a German cake that is make with layers of chocolate cake soaked in a cherry liqueur, cherries and whipped cream and it is then coated in even more whipped cream maraschino cherries, and chocolate shavings. I have...

Avocado Breakfast Pizza with Fried Egg

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This week I was on an avocado bender and I shared some tasty new avocado recipes and reminisced about some of my favourites that I have already written about and I realized that I had not mentioned one of my absolute favourite ways to enjoy avocados and possibly the simplest way, on toast for breakfast. It is so simple with just mashed avocado that is seasoned with a bit of salt, fresh ground pepper...

Roasted Strawberry Shortcake Shakes

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When I made the strawberry shortcakes earlier in the week I made sure to make a double batch of the shortcake so that I would have some leftovers to use in something else. I came across the idea for roasted strawberry shortcakes on Spoon Fork Bacon not too long ago and I really liked the sound of using the classic flavours of strawberry shortcake in a cool and refreshing drink that would be perfect...

Breakfast Chorizo Quesadilla Topped with a Fried Egg

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I am a big fan of quesadillas! I mean what's not to like? They are essentially grilled cheese sandwiches, which I am totally obsessed with, that use tortillas instead of bread. I had not really thought about serving quesadillas for breakfast so when I came across the idea for sausage breakfast quesadillas on Noble Pig I just had to try them! I decided to go with fresh spicy Mexican style chorizo...

Strawberry Shortcake

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The strawberries at the grocery stores are starting to dwindle and the farmers market is starting to fill up with other local, in season berries and fruits but I still want to get a few more strawberry recipes in. I really could not let strawberry season pass me by without making strawberry shortcake at least once, I mean it is pretty much the quintessential strawberry dish and it just just screams...

Spicy Peanut Chicken Grilled Cheese Sandwich (aka The Chicken Satay Melt)

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I cannot believe that it has been over two months since I last shared a new grilled cheese recipe with you! I was beginning to feel like I had been going through grilled cheese withdrawal and including the guacamole grilled cheese in the avocado roundup yesterday brought it all flooding in! I am a huge fan of Thai style peanut sauces and I had been wanting to use some in a grilled cheese sandwich...

10 Amazing Things to do with Avocados

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Over the last little while I have done a few tasty new recipes with avocados and the last one reminded me of just how much I enjoy them! Looking back over the all of the avocados recipes that I have posted I realized that there are more than 50 of them and that meant that it was time to roundup some of my favourites! It certainly was not difficult finding 10 recipes with avocados, on the contrary,...

Creamy Avocado/Guacamole Egg Salad Sandwich

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While I was thinking about the creamy avocado dressing a few weeks ago the combination of avocados and mayonnaise got me to thinking about other things that it could be used in and the first thing that came to mind was an egg salad sandwich. Egg salads are normally made by mixing hard boiled eggs with mayonnaise to give it an addictively creamy nature and I figured that adding mashed up avocados...

Bánh Xèo (Savoury Vietnamese Crepes Stuffed with Shrimp and Mushrooms)

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With summer here fresh herbs are more readily available and that means that it was time for me to try making bánh xèo. Bánh xèo are savoury Vietnamese crepes that are stuffed with various fillings and served wrapped in lettuce leaves along with plenty of fresh herbs such as mint, cilantro, and Thai basil. The name bánh xèo translates to sizzling cake and this is because the crepes are cooked at...

Buffalo Chicken Sushi

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Last week I went out for sushi and that got me thinking about making sushi at home. Although I am still a bit leery about making actual sushi at home with raw fish, that does not stop me from having a bit of fun with sushi in the form of this buffalo chicken sushi! I am totally addicted to buffalo chicken in all forms and when I came across the recipe for buffalo chicken sushi on Choosy Beggars...

Balsamic Strawberry and Chicken Pizza with Sweet Onions and Smoked Bacon

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We are right in the middle of strawberry season here and it was about time that I did something with them other than simply snacking on them by the handful. For my first strawberry recipe I wanted to try something a little different in the form of a savoury strawberry pizza! I first came across the recipe for this strawberry pizza on The Cafe Sucre Farine last year and I had been saving it to make...

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