The Rachel Sandwich (aka Roast Turkey Reuben Sandwich)

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The Rachel Sandwich (aka Roast Turkey Reuben Sandwich) with Coleslaw

I made a ton of food over the holidays and of course that means there were a lot of leftovers. One leftover I am always happy to have is some leftover roast turkey as I can't get enough of those roast turkey sandwiches. Over this last weekend I got the chance to dig into the last of my roast turkey leftovers and this time I used them to make some Rachel sandwiches which are a variation on the Reuben sandwich. There are several different versions of the Rachel including replacing the corned beef with turkey or pastrami and the sauerkraut is sometimes replaced with coleslaw. I could not really decide which version sounded the best so I tried both a turkey with sauerkraut version and turkey with coleslaw version. Since coleslaw is already in a dressing I saw no need for there to be two so I also tried a version where I replaced the coleslaws dressing with the Russian dressing for a turkey and Russian slaw Rachel.

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Buffalo Chicken Club Sandwich

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Buffalo Chicken Club Sandwich

As many long time readers are aware, I am a big fan of buffalo chicken wings and I have been having fun experimenting with spinning the flavours of the buffalo chicken wings in different dishes. After having one too many boring chicken club sandwiches at a restaurant I have also been on a kind of mini quest to come up with tasty new chicken club sandwich recipes. The idea to combine the two dishes seemed not only natural but really tasty and thus the buffalo chicken club sandwich was born! The basic chicken club sandwich normally consists of the chicken, bacon, lettuce, tomato and mayonnaise and I was thinking that coating the grilled chicken breast in buffalo hot sauce could only make things better. In addition to the buffalo hot sauce, I included some crumbled tangy blue cheese to finished the sandwich off and I served it with a side of carrot and celery sticks along with a blue cheese sauce for dipping.

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Chorizo Scrambled Eggs Breakfast Tacos

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Chorizo Scrambled Eggs Breakfast Tacos

Often times weekday breakfasts are rushed and thus pretty simple so on the weekend I like to do something a little more. As many of my long time readers know, I have a thing for tacos and I was thinking that a scrambled egg taco would be a great way to do something a little special for breakfast this weekend. I formed the base of the breakfast tacos with Mexican chorizo, a fresh pork sausage seasoned with plenty of chilies, which I fried and then added eggs and cooked them scrambled style. The chorizo scrambled eggs (chorizo con huevos) along with the tortillas form the base of the tacos and from there you can add your favourite tacos fillings and this time I went with refried beans, pico de gallo, cheddar cheese, sour cream, cilantro and lime. These chorizo scrambled egg tacos are really easy to prepare and they make for a fun and tasty breakfast for the entire family!

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Roast Turkey Sandwich with Artichoke Tapenade, Caramelized Onions and Roasted Red Peppers

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Roast Turkey Sandwich with Artichoke Tapenade, Caramelized Onions and Roasted Red Peppers

The last time that I made tapenade I thought that in addition to being good as a topping for crostini, that a tapenade would also be good as a spread in sandwiches. When I made the artichoke and green olive tapenade with asiago I remembered thinking this and I planned on saving some of it to use in a few sandwiches. I had had roast turkey sandwiches on my mind for a few days and the turkey and artichoke tapenade combo sounded like a good one! Since I did not really want to roast a full turkey just to make a few sandwiches I picked up a large turkey breast and just did that. A turkey breast is great for things like this as it is really easy to roast and it provides you with plenty of meat that is just perfect for sandwiches! So far the sandwich had some nice roast turkeya and a salty and flavourful tapenade so I decided to add something on the sweeter side, with some slowly caramelized onions and since I sill have plenty of roasted red pepper from the fall roasting, I added some of those to the mix. I finished the sandwich off with some baby spinach and a touch of mayonnaise.

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Artichoke and Green Olive Tapenade with Asiago

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Crostinti with Roasted Tomatoes, Prosciutto and Artichoke Tapenade

I only just discovered artichokes a few years ago and I have been hooked ever since! The other day while I was in the grocery store I noticed a jar or artichoke tapenade and an artichoke tapenade sounded like a great idea! I was already thinking about a recipe for the tapenade while dreaming about the ways that I would use it.

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Kimchi Reuben Sandwich

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Kimchi Reuben Sandwich

I had still had some corned beef left over and with corned beef, cabbage and kimchi burritos and reuben sandwiches on my mind, I naturally thought about combing them to create the kimchi reuben sandwich. This reuben sandwich has two forms of fermented cabbage with the sauerkraut and the kimchi and the combination is pretty amazing. The sauekraut brings a nice light tanginess and the kimchi brings some flavour packed heat. As with the regular reuben, you have to be concerned about the amount of liquid going into the sandwich and I find the best way to deal with it is to lightly saute the sauekraut and kimchi to remove any excess moisture. I have to say that I quite enjoyed the heat that the kimchi added to the sandwich and the kimchi went particularly well with the creamy Russian dressing to which I added a touch of gochujang.

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